Diverse Ways - Delivery of Public Services

New volume was released on 9 September 2014 with the title “Külön utak. Közfeladatok megoldásai” [Diverse ways. Delivery of public services]. The book presents the findings of an international comparative research carried out by the MTA-DE Research Group as a part of its comprehensive project „Területi közszolgáltatások szabályozásai“ [Regulatory Tools for Local Public Services].

In that phase, the research aimed at finding and explaining the models for management of public service delivery. The system varies from one state to another and also differs according to the principal groups of sectors. There are nevertheless typical models to be identified and classified as main forms of service delivery. The research group examined different systems for public utilities (network industries) such as water and energy supply; basic social services (social care, public and higher education services); as well as changes in European Union policies. In the end, the book provides empirically based explanations of international tendencies’ influence on transformation of public service delivery in the recent domestic context. The common point of view of the authors is represented by the application of a comparative approach to and methodology of the discipline of public administration.

Last update: 2022. 10. 13. 14:21